Tips to lose weight healthily

Slimming Tricks (Part 1)
Tips to lose weight healthily

Melon with ham breakfast : A few times a week can have breakfast this rich combination. A slice of melon (200g) will provide vitamin C you need daily and is a fruit with very few calories. It is ideal for losing weight ..! Moreover, a good low - fat ham, will give you the protein you need to not lose muscle mass, but prevent accumulating grasita..Así follow your body will have no choice but to burn fat if you want to get more energy.

Baked apples with cinnamon: Another excellent choice or good for breakfast or dinner. The apple is a food with very few calories while cinnamon is an accelerator of metabolism you will burn calories faster.

Become a salad of red cabbage: This plant increases production of two very beneficial hormones to lose kilos; the adiponectin and leptin . Hormone adiponectin increases the oxidation of fats. Put another way, we help eliminate fat. While leptin regulates feelings of hunger and satiety, producing a feeling of fullness that lasts a few hours.

Juices with pulp: When you do the detox juices and green juices that I regalándote weekly, bring them with the pulp included. This way you benefit from the fiber and not ingest many sugars.

Eats vegetables once a week : Lentils, chickpeas and beans are an excellent way to consume fiber. This will accelerate intestinal transit, favoring the elimination of waste substances and preventing your abdomen look swollen. Also, being so rich in fiber, produce a satiating effect for several hours.
As if that were not enough, the vegetables contain a lot of protein and fat intake insignificant.

consume green tea: If you do not usually drink plenty of water, take the opportunity to supplement consumption of water with green tea. It is a drink that speeds up your metabolism, it helps cleanse the body and remove fluid from its diuretic power.

To not get bored reading, tomorrow I will publish more tricks to continue with the challenge of losing weight healthily.

Slimming Tricks (part 2)
How to lose weight

Muesli breakfast oatmeal: This cereal will keep you satiated for a few hours for his great contribution of fiber. They are also complex carbohydrates. As they assimilate slowly. It will give you energy for longer and you risk not to accumulate as fat.

Pica between hours: It is one of the ways to get lunch or dinner without ravenously hungry. That if. What piques that is healthy and trying that does not contain too many calories. You must learn to eat smart. For example. An apple gives you just 45kcal per 100g. However their fiber content will keep sating a good time. Examples of healthy foods to snack between meals : yogurt skimmed, fruits, cereals with milk, cereal bar, fruit smoothie, fruit juice with pulp, nuts (walnuts , hazelnuts, almonds).

Avoid white bread or American bread: This type of bread is the least healthy. It contains a lot of refined sugar that make it a heat pump.

Dinner like a pauper: At night, your metabolism slows. Nature is wise and understands that as those hours spend less energy, reduces the metabolic work. That being so, when dinnertime ingest too many calories, is almost certainly not burn them and end up accumulating as fat.

Lose Weight fast

There 's nothing like homemade food: Be your own chef. Get organized well and take your own salads and dishes to the office. Always will be healthier and have fewer calories if you prepare you the yourself. Thinks that many of the things we eat out, are loaded with sugars, saturated fats, flavor enhancers, preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, stabilizers ... etc etc etc ...
Now you go past ideas simple and healthy dishes so you can make.

Replaces the salt spices: If you reduce your salt intake, you are protecting your heart and preventing hypertension. But you favor removing liquid. Remember that salt makes you retain fluids.
The change will cost you only the first week. Then your taste buds get used to foods with little salt. Years ago I not add any salt to my meals and I assure you that I feel very yummy! You have to use your imagination. There are thousands of spices that have nothing to envy salt.

Use the stairs: As I always say, not only with diet weight will go down. It is necessary and healthy exercise. But no need to sign up to a gym or do marathons to consider doing sport. With change some habits, you may notice great results. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk 20 minutes every day, Pon music when clean and dance a little (I do .. lol) Ponte home aerobics video and try to do it. In youtube there are thousands of them! Some last only a few minutes and are very effective. There is something for all ages and states of shape. These are just some examples! but surely you can think of a thousand ways to move a little more. Remember .. the less time you spend on the couch, the better!

By:  Piter Kalido

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